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Subject Lead for Physical Education: Mr Pete Sparks

Physical Education by Mr Pete Sparks

I loved studying Sport and PE at A Level and university.  It truly opened my eyes to what I believe to be one of the most important subjects we will learn at school. Sport had always been a major part of my life as a child, and I was determined to teach others how it influences us throughout our lives. The importance of understanding how we can look after ourselves is a key life skill in our social, psychological, and physical well-being. As an A Level subject, PE is one that links well with such a variety of subjects due the number of elements we study, Psychology, Sociology, Biology, Chemistry, English and Health and Social Care.

Why Study Physical Education?

The content has been designed to allow learners to study Physical Education (PE) in an academic setting, enabling them to critically analyse and evaluate their physical performance and apply their experience of practical activity in developing their knowledge and understanding of the subject. The examined components will provide the knowledge and understanding which underpin the non-exam assessment (NEA). The NEA within this specification allows learners to explore an activity in detail as a performer or coach, chosen from a wide variety of sporting activities. Learners will also analyse and evaluate performance in a chosen activity as part of their NEA. This course will prepare learners for the further study of PE or sports science courses as well as other related subject areas such as psychology, sociology, and biology. Learners will also develop the transferable skills that are in demand by further education, Higher Education, and employers in all sectors of industry. This specification will create confident, independent thinkers and effective decision makers who can operate effectively as individuals or as part of a team – all skills that will enable them to stand out and effectively promote themselves as they progress through life.

Course Description

Physical Education will equip learners with both a depth and breadth of knowledge, understanding and skills relating to scientific, socio-cultural, and practical aspects of physical education. This requires them to:

  • Develop theoretical knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin physical activity and sport and use this knowledge to improve performance
  • Understand how physiological and psychological states affect performance
  • Understand the key socio-cultural factors that influence people’s involvement in physical activity and sport
  • Understand the role of technology in physical activity and sport
  • Refine their ability to perform effectively in physical activity and sport by developing skills and techniques and selecting and using tactics, strategies and/or compositional ideas
  • Develop their ability to analyse and evaluate to improve performance
  • Understand the contribution which physical activity makes to health and fitness
  • Improve as effective and independent learners and as critical and reflective thinkers with curious and enquiring mind

An expectation of the course is that you will be representing the school in district sport.

Beyond A level

The Physical Education A Level can lead onto degree courses in Sport at university

Fitness industry (gym instructing, personal trainer, management)

Leisure industry (management etc.)

Sport industry (coaching, sport nutrition, sport psychology, sport therapy)

Entry Requirements

Students should have studied GCSE PE and gained at least a grade 6 and have achieved at least a grade 6 in Biology or another science. They should also be able to evidence participation in sport to a club or low county level and actively pursuing this outside of school.

Technical Details

Exam Board: OCR

Qualification Type: A level

Course Title: Physical Education

Specification Code: H555

External Exams (end of Year 13): 3 exams; Paper 1, 2h, 30%; Paper 2, 2h, 20%; Paper 3, 1h, 20%

Coursework: 30%

KS5 Course Outline Link: