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Assessment and Reporting

Below is a detailed explanation of how we use assessment to help our students do well and how our assessment system works.  

If you would like to read more on how to support your child at home, please follow this link.

Year 7-9 Academic Reports

Details of each of the elements found on the Y7-9 reports can be found below.

Reading Age:
We conduct reading age tests with pupils to determine if any level of intervention or additional support is required to help with their reading skills. We would expect your child’s reading age to be the same as their numerical age. Please continue supporting your child with their reading at home by listening to your child reading at home and engaging with them about what they have read. Following the Reciprocal Reading steps will support with your child’s comprehension and inference skills:

  • Predict (predicting what will happen next in the text)
  • Clarify (checking for vocabulary understanding)
  • Question (asking questions about what is happening in that section of the text)
  • Summarise (what has been learnt)

Baseline rank:
You will be told the rank your child started Wye School in if they completed the SATs exams in Year 6. If your child did not take SATs exams in Year 6, this will show as “unavailable”. This is a useful tool for you to compare the rank that they started Year 7 with, with their current ranks in each subject. For example if your child’s baseline rank is 50 but in English their rank is now 10, this means they have made good improvement in that subject. 

Baseline target grade:
In addition to the rank, your child will also have a target grade given as a range of GCSE grades such as 4-5 or 7-8. The target grade is based on the average score your child achieved in their Key Stage 2 SATS at the end of primary school (or that they achieved on an assessment they completed when they first joined our school if SATs did not take place in that academic year). These scores are from 80-120. An average score would be 100.  
If your child achieved the average score of 100, we would expected your child to work towards a grade 5 in each of their GCSEs at the end of Year 11. This would mean that they have made average progress compared with other students nationally. 
To ensure our students have high aspirations for their futures, at KS3 they are given both a minimum target and an aspirational target. E.G. if their target is a 4-5, then they should be aiming to achieve a 4 as a minimum and aspire to achieve a 5 or higher.

Percentage score in test:
Students sit assessments for the middle of the year and the end of the year in each subject. This is the percentage that your child has achieved. Teachers do their best to help students that are absent to catch up, however it may be marked absent if this has not been possible.

Area of Development (Comment):
Students are given a short comment stating which topic they can focus on to improve their current attainment further. This comment is written by their teacher and often linked to one of our online learning platforms so that students can work on these areas independently at home.
For Mathematics and Science these link to Sparx. For languages this refers to LanguageNut. For other subjects these may link to Seneca, Bedrock Learning, the United Learning Curriculum website or suggest a skill your child can practice at home.
For further advice on how to access these online learning platforms, please see this link.

For some subjects, students will be given a rank. This rank can help you to understand where your child is within the year group. You can compare this rank to their original baseline rank to see how your child has changed for this subject since they have started at Wye School. Please note, that the rank does not determine the set that your child is placed in as sets are a combination of test scores and other factors.

 The Key Progress indicators used for Physical Education at Wye School guide students through a progressive Key Stage 3 journey. Our broad curriculum allows students to become confident, creative and reflective learners across the three key areas of "Fit to Perform", "Fit to Lead", and "Fit for Life". Students are assessed in nine KPIs and work towards an age related outcome that is specific to the performance, fitness, and leadership expectations for their year group. Please email Pete Sparks for further information on PE.

Year 10-11 Reports

Learning Indicator: 
The learning indicator is a measure of your child’s attitude to their learning. There are four possible indicators: ‘Excellent’, ‘Good’, ‘Requires Improvement’ and ‘Poor’.
Teachers award the learning indicator based on your child’s effort in both class work and homework.
To achieve ‘Excellent’, students must exceed expectations. This is given to approximately the top 10% of students in the classroom. Students who are meeting all expectations would receive a “Good” as their learning indicator.

Area of Development (Comment):
Students are given a short comment stating which topic they can focus on to improve their current attainment further. This comment is written by their teacher and linked to one of our online learning platforms so that students can work on these areas independently at home. 
For Mathematics and Science these link to Sparx. For languages this refers to LanguageNut. For other subjects these may link to Seneca, Bedrock Learning, the United Learning Curriculum website or suggest a skill your child can practice at home.
For further advice on how to access these online learning platforms, please see this link.

Predicted Grade:  
This is the grade that we believe your child is currently most likely to achieve at the end of Year 11 based on their current attainment and effort both in and out of the classroom. This will change over time depending on your child’s work in class, homework and assessments.

Working-at Grade (Year 11 only): 
This is the grade that your child is currently working at and is awarded by mock exams and classroom assessments. 
Target Grades 
The target grade is based on the average score your child achieved in their Key Stage 2 SATS at the end of primary school. These scores are from 80-120. An average score would be 100.  
If your child achieved the average score of 100, they would be expected to achieve a grade 5 in each of their GCSEs at the end of Year 11. This would mean that they have made average progress compared with other students nationally. If your child achieved an average score of 110, your child would be expected to achieve a grade 7. This too would mean that they have made average progress compared with students nationally who scored the same as they did.  If your child did not sit SATs examinations, we provide a GCSE target grade depending on any other information we have been provided from their previous education. 
To ensure our target grades are aspirational and encourage students to achieve higher than average, all targets are set at one grade higher than average. This is to encourage students to aim for aspirational destinations following their GCSEs.

An example Year 11 report: 


Sixth Form

Target Grade 
The target grade is based on the average score your child achieved in their best 8 GCSE grades including English, Maths and Science. These GCSE scores are from 1-9 and provide predicted A Level grades or BTEC grades.  
If your child achieved an average of less than 5.2 at GCSE then their target at A Level will be a Grade C or BTEC a grade “Distinction”. If your child achieved an average grade between 5.2  and 7 their target will be a B or “Distinction”. If your child achieved an average grade above 7, their target grade will be an A at A Level.  
To ensure our target grades are aspirational and encourage students to achieve higher than average, all targets are set at one grade higher than national average progress. This is to encourage students to aim for aspirational destinations following their Post-16 education at Sixth Form.

Predicted Grade:  
This is the grade that we believe your child is currently most likely to achieve at the end of Year 13 based on their current attainment and effort both in and out of the classroom. This can change over time.

Working-at Grade: 
This is the grade that your child is currently working at and is awarded by mock exams and classroom assessments.