Students are all given access to Unifrog from Year 7, to identify opportunities that link to their future. In KS3 and KS4, students are encouraged to use the platform to research different careers via the Careers Library and research what different subject areas at Higher Education involve via the Subjects Library. The platform uses four different quizzes to help students identify their strengths, areas of interest, and suggest possible subjects and careers that may be suited to them. In KS5, students use the platform to compare university courses, apprenticeships, and then apply successfully. We encourage all students to use Unifrog to track their work-related experience, skills, co-curricular and super-curricular activities.
At all key stages, staff utilise the platform to explore specific careers: their related subjects; pathways into; and up to date labour market information. We encourage parents/carers to use the Unifrog platform with your child, to prompt discussions about their next steps.