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Report and Support

Safeguarding, Child Protection and Online Safety

Safeguarding and Child Protection

If you believe a child is in immediate danger or risk of harm, call the police on 999.

For concerns about a child or where you have ongoing concerns please contact:

Concerned about a child?

Kent Social Services

Call: 03000 41 11 11


9am – 5pm

Out of hours and in an emergency

Call: 03000 41 91 91.

5pm – 9am

For more information you can visit the Kent Safeguarding Children Multi Agency Partnership

Visit the Kent Safeguarding Children Multi Agency Partnership website if you're worried about a child.

Safeguarding Statement

At Wye School we take the safeguarding of our students very seriously. Our aim is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of students, and always prioritise the interests of our children.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action is vital in ensuring children receive the support they need.

We have a safeguarding team who you can speak to about any safeguarding concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact them on the email address below if you have a concern.

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Main email address for the safeguarding team:

Inside the email please provide as much detail as possible about the concern e.g.

  • Child’s full name
  • Date of Birth for the child (if known)
  • Details of the concern

Designated Safeguarding Leads:

Mr Luke Magee –

Mrs Riona Sparks –

Ms Katherine Davis –

Designated Teacher for Looked After Children:

Mrs Lydia McCorriston –

Report and Support

Students are able to report to the pastoral/safeguarding team if they are experiencing the following:

  • They are being mistreated by someone and don’t know where to get help.
  • They need help with online or social media issues.
  • They need some advice or someone to talk to.

Students will find a report and support box opposite the printers by medical.  Slips are available for students to complete.  The box is checked each evening.

Parent Support Links

mosac | NSPCC | Stop It Now! | Respect

Drink Aware | Frank | Big Deal | Rehab 4 Addiction | Rehab-Recovery

Child Death Helpline | Child Bereavement UK | The Compassionate Friends | Winstons Wish

Anti Bullying Alliance EACH Action | Kids Scape | Stonewall

Knife Crimes | Victim Support | 101 online

Dads | Families Need Fathers | Seperated Dads

Contact a family | Scope | DPPi | DysTalk | Deafness | Sibs

Eating Disorders

General Parenting Resources
Reviewlab Parenting Guide | Talking to Children About Cancer

NSPCC | Mums Net 

UK Safer Internet Centre | Internet Matters 02

Mental Health Support
Mencap | Mental Health Foundation | Mind | Parents & Youth info | Rethink | Time To Change | Young Minds | School Nursing Team | Papyrus | Mums Net 

Family Lives | fpa

Prisoner Families

Missing People

Self Harm
Childline | MIND | NSPCC | Young Minds