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Annular Solar Eclipse

Our Science teachers set up a safe way to view the annular solar eclipse from the front of school with special solar filters. We are impressed with the results!

Sporting Success

Congratulations to Gerald and Ronald Sithole! Ex-student Gerald has been signed to a professional contract and made his debut recently for Gillingham Football Club, whilst current Year 11 student Ronald has been offered a 2-year scholarship with Gillingham U18s.

CCF Cadet training resumes

Our CCF Cadets participated in a camouflage and concealment lesson and weapon handling training. The lessons they learn will help them with their fieldcraft ability as they develop their skills before deploying into the field later this year. Great fun was had by all.

Year 9 Public Art work


Students created largescale observational charcoal drawings of their ArcelorMittal Orbit sculptures designed by artist Anish Kapoor.

Year 8 Cubist art work

Some great final outcomes from some of our Year 8 students for their Cubist self-portraits. They were inspired by the work of Picasso and Braque, using mixed media.

IT lockdown work

One of our Year 9 students, Caleb, has been busy expanding his creative talents by creating an online game using his own artworks and imagery. A great way of expanding his Art and ICT skills. 

Lockdown lessons in the snow

The student enrichment challenge this week was to be creative responding to the wintery weather. Here are some of the artistic responses Year 7 Students have been photographing this week.

National Apprenticeship Week

As part of National Apprenticeships Week (NAW21) we are running a virtual apprenticeships event on February 9th at 5.30pm. Students need to contact Ms. Davis or the Office, by midday on Tuesday at the latest to sign up.

Science lessons in lockdown

Year 7 Science students have been busy separating different mixtures at home using the filtration technique. They will leave the filtered mixtures to evaporate and hopefully grow some amazing sugar or salt crystals. Science carries on during lockdown.

Learning continues through lockdown.

Whilst the school site is shut to most students, learning continues through the current lockdown. For example, here are three wonderful pieces of artwork created this term at home. Live lessons are following the normal school timetable and are operating using the Microsoft Teams system.

Reverse Advent Calendar

Wye staff and students decided to do a 'Reverse Advent Calendar' this year. As you can see from the photograph there we had an overwhelming amount of donations given from across the whole school.  Thank you to all who donated, we will all be helping a lot of families over Christmas.

Roving Reporter

Our local newsletter 'OurPlaceWye' has invited Wye School students to contribute articles. Michael McBride made the first contribution with an article about his experience of returning to school after the national lockdown.

Letters of Kindness

Years 7-9 and staff have been writing 'Letters of Kindness' to 150 elderly and isolated people living in the local area. We have linked with Age UK in Ashford who will be delivering these along with their Christmas parcels.

Christmas Art Competition Winners

The winners of the Christmas Art Competition have been chosen by Martin & Co in Ashford and each is receiving a voucher as a prize.  

1st place - Amie - Year 9 Olantigh - Blue silhouette of family artwork

2nd place - Caleb - Year 9 Stour - Digital cartoon drawing of family artwork

3rd place - Euan - Year 8 Olantigh - Window and snowman artwork

Shortlisted students and good effort students were also rewarded with achievement points. Massive congratulations to all who entered. The judges said they found it incredibly difficult to choose a winner.


Christmas Art Competition

In the pictures you can see a few of the entries for the Christmas Art Competition being run by Martin & Co for students at Wye School. It's going to be tough to choose a winner! 'What does Christmas mean to you' was the brief. We look forward to seeing who wins this fun competition.


2019/20 Prize Winners Announced

Teachers have selected the 2019/20 Academic Prize winners for Wye School this week. Sadly COVID-19 means we cannot hold our usual Prize Evening this year so instead the Chair of Governors or Principal will contact the families of prize winners directly over the next few days. Congratulations to all the students who won a prize, some won more than one. Your hard work and academic excellence has impressed us all.


The pictures show some of our Year 10 Prize winners, who won the prizes for Geography, History, Sport and Drama in this case.

Baroness Hamwee talks to Politics Students

The Politics A level group got to speak to a member of the House of Lords, Baroness Hamwee, of the Lib Dems. It was an online Q&A session. Topics included if the House of Lords should be elected and if the current lockdown should've been imposed. This event was part of our Parliament Week activities.

Parliament Week

During parliament week Wye School 6th form students met virtually with Damian Green, MP for Ashford. Damian Green gave an overview of the workings of Parliament and his role as MP. Students then had the opportunity to ask questions about parliament and current political issues.

Socially distanced but still delivering.

Despite the changes we have made to be Coronavirus prepared we have had a really smooth start to term, helped by the lovely weather. It has been really great to all see each other again and get back to what we do best, learning in school. You can see in the two pictures with this article socially distanced PE on the Multi-Use Games Area and our Combined Cadet Force learning to march on the Plaza. In the Plaza photo you can also see our new covered outside seating area.
