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Autumn 1 Subject Badge Winners

Autumn 1 Subject Badge Winners

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Last term we held our termly Subject Badge ceremony to reward the excellent progress and commitment to learning of our students. We would like to congratulate the following students on their success in this round of awards.








English           Lauren Harris,  Jade Holgate, Joel Dawkins

Maths           Sam Willmore,  Emily Taylor, Ella Cleary, Tallulah Holy

Science        Bethan Griffin, Samuel Stevens, India Niles, Sophie Wildman

German       Taela Pithers, Nathan Stacy

French          Harrison Pack, Leon Herbert, Craig Tollington, Tabitha Westwood

Spanish        Ebony Holmes, Bailey McAllen, Elliot Carlton, Maddison Exell

Drama          Bronwyn Hunn, Kai Jones

Music           Rhys Teesdale, Jacob Bodman, Taylor Denby

RS                 Samuel Powell, Morgan Oliver, George Adams, Isabel Bisson

History        James Boyd, Harrison Stone, Megan Miller, Elizabeth Hewitt

Art               Emily Atkins, Sienna Mobbs, Megan McPherson, Oliver Curry

Geography  Tabitha Westwood, Joel Dawkins, Maddison Exell, Sienna Mobbs

DT                Eden Goddard,  Jade Holgate, George Ward

PE                Westley Brown, Georgina Landers,  Jessica Harrison, Nathan Foyle

Football     Josh Spinks, Abbie Bean, Gerald Sithole, Tallulah Holy

Netball        Livvie Lawrence, Alesha Perry

Student Voice    Jamie Forster,  Chase Harrison


