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GCSE and A Level Results 2024

Wye School students received their A Level and GCSE results this summer, we are proud of them and congratulate all those moving on to university, 6th form, college, apprenticeships and work.


~ Ofsted Inspectors praise “ambitious and broad” curriculum following inspection in May ~

~ Report notes that students “feel valued and cared for as part of this close school community” ~

~ Alongside strength of academic curriculum, wider enrichment opportunities also praised ~



Tennis visit to Ashford School

Year 7 boys had an enjoyable evening of friendly, beginner tennis at Ashford School, our sister United Learning school locally. It is an example of how Wye School, Ashford School and Chilmington Green School work together as the local United Learning schools.

Trampoline star in Year 7

Congratulations to Wye School Year 7 student Laura who competed at her first English National Trampoline competition at the weekend. Laura finished a very respectable 36th out of 61 competitors. We look forward to hearing how she does in future competitions. Well done Laura!

Staff complete 10km run.

Well done to the staff members from Wye School who completed the Charing 10km! Great times from Miss Apps, Mr Buckley, Mr Steadwood and Mr Sparks. 

Community farm visits

Students in Years 7 and 8 had the opportunity to visit Wye Community Farm in May. A great morning was had by all of them. The weather was perfect, and everyone was happy to get stuck in helping with all the various jobs - even the mucky ones.

Visitor from the House of Lords

We were delighted to host Lord Colgrain today who visited us from the House of Lords and discussed the role of parliament with our 6th formers and delivered an assembly to Years 12 and 10. We learnt interesting things about how parliament works, thank you Lord Colgrain. In the photograph you can see Lord Colgrain talking to Margaret Williams, our Chair of Governors, and some of our Year 12s interested in politics.

A Level and GCSE Results 2023

Congratulations to all our Year 13 students for their A Level and BTEC results this summer, a lovely morning with lots of happy faces and good news on university and apprenticeship acceptances. Alfie is off to Durham University to study Geography, being one of the 73% of Year 13s going to their first choice university and 84% going to their first or second choice. All Year 13s that applied are going to university, all Year 13s that applied are going to their chosen apprenticeship. The whole of Year 13 have a destination secured for next year and we wish them well with their next steps in life and thank them for everything they contributed to Wye School.

GCSE results day came a week later and again the Kempe Centre was filled with excited voices whilst anxious parents waited outside for the news. Congratulations to all our Year 11 students and we wish you good luck with whichever destination you have chosen as your next step in your educational journey, and thank you for your constribution to Wye School.


Cambridge Students Visit

Queens' College, Cambridge Roadshow- we hosted 4@queenscam students this term as an Outreach Roadshow, they spoke with students about the Cambridge academic experience, the application process and what life is like in Cambridge. We will visit their college in the summer.

Language Exchange Visitors

We have hosted a Spanish and a French exchange this term, we hope our guests enjoyed their time at Wye, we certainly enjoyed hosting them.

Principal's Breakfast

We held a recent Principal's Breakfast to celebrate 10 students who have made a great contribution to the school this year, always being 'The Best in Everyone.'

Former students talk to Years 11/13 about going to university

It was great to welcome Anais and Mark back to Wye School to speak to Year 11, 12 and 13 students about life at university, nearly 3 years after they were part of our first Sixth Form. They are both thriving and loving the experience. Anais is studying law at Leeds University and has arranged a summer work placement before she will graduate and continue her training with a London law firm, and Mark has taken the opportunity from his base at Durham University to study in Canada and Germany. He will take up a paid Masters qualification at the end of his course.

University is not just about work. Both students spoke about the night life, clubs to join, how easy it is to make friends, the accommodation, and perhaps most importantly how their time at university is making them more independent in everything they do. Neither was put off by the student loan, which they called a graduate tax, maybe because they will inevitably earn more than the average non-graduate.

We look forward to welcoming many more alumni from careers, apprenticeships and universities to share their experiences with us.

6th Form Careers Morning

A very successful morning of mock interviews for Year 12 and Year 13. As well as an interview all students listened to a careers talk from one of our volunteers. 


Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022

We join the nation in mourning the passing of Her Majesty the Queen.

School is open as usual today.

We will follow government guidance on what happens over the next two weeks.


Kenya Expedition

Over the summer a group of Wye school pupils went on a once in a lifetime experience to Kenya.  The aims of the trip were to engage in meaningful project work and leave a positive impact on the local communities.  Whilst there they worked on mud house construction, litter picks, school building maintenance, set animal camera traps, restored footpaths in Nairobi national park, visited the Maasai people, climbed a mountain, went snorkelling and had a one day safari. They had a great time.

Year 13 A Level/BTEC Results

2022 marks our third cohort of Year 13 students and has seen another year of celebration as students secured their chosen university and apprenticeship places. Among those Sixth Formers celebrating today are: 

Ben, going to Cardiff University to study Geography;

Adrian, going to Wolverhampton University to study Automotive Engineering;

Shana, going to Canterbury Christchurch University to study Applied Criminology;

Cristina, going to Chichester University to study Psychology;

Jack, going to the University of Kent to study Ancient History.

Commenting on students’ achievements, Luke Magee, Principal at Wye School, said:  

“We are very proud of all our students celebrating today, as they take up an excellent array of university and training courses. The destinations they have secured are a culmination of seven years’ hard work and commitment, not least through the recent challenges of the pandemic, making these achievements even more commendable. I would like to congratulate each of them, and of course say thank you to our fantastic staff team for the support and guidance they provide daily to our young people.”

Enrichment Week 2022

A fun three days for Enrichment Week 2022, with all students taking part in fun and different activities on site and off site.

Crown House Win Sports Day

We had a great day on the school field for our first Sports Day since the pandemic, a very welcome return to inter-house sports competition. All four houses enthusiastically took part and many individuals did well in their chosen competitions. Crown House won overall.

We were particularly pleased with how sporting students were, they really took part willingly and saw the fun in things. It was a very nice day for everyone, with even the weather playing its part.
