Recent parent letter:
"Dear Head of Year 7,
My husband and I wanted to say a huge thank you for parent consultation evening. Please pass on our best wishes and sincere gratitude to all X's teachers. You have made such a difference to X and his overall confidence; we were so pleased to hear how he enthusiastically participates in each lesson. The transition from primary to secondary is typically challenging , but thanks to your efforts, skills and care X has settled in smoothly in spite of not knowing many other children there. He adores Wye and is keen and eager to begin each day. Thank you all again for creating such a nurturing and stimulating environment for X.
Best wishes, Year 7 Parents 2020 intake."
Our transition day for the 2024-25 intake will take place in the summer term. Arrangements have been made for students to visit the school on Friday 5 July 2024. Further details will be emailed to parents closer to the day.
Virtual Tour
For a quick tour around Wye School watch the Transition Tour video below. There are also some messages from Year 7 to read (you will need to pause the video when a new message is shown).