Special Educational Needs or Disability
Learning is the most important reason for being at Wye School and nothing should stop learning. At Wye School we strive to uphold the view that every child matters and support all students in all aspects of their learning.
As our students progress through Key Stages 3 – 5, we will ensure that we provide high quality teaching for all. For some students, additional support is needed to assist them in making good progress and allowing them to reach their personal best. Whether students are identified as requiring additional support or having a special educational need and/or disability, all staff have high expectations of all students and work together to support them. In addition to classroom teaching staff, we have a team of dedicated staff who work with the students to provide the support that is needed to enable them to reach their full potential. A supportive and proactive home-school relationship is highly valued and we consider it important to have an open and honest dialogue with parents/carers.
Mrs Lydia McCorriston, the school SENCO, can be contacted via the school office. If you are the parent of a SEND student and have any queries about your child’s education, please do not hesitate to book an appointment.